
User Guide

Welcome, this is an application that is made to help you store and manage your studies.

Table Of Content


This is a note taker application. The data is stored automatically when you entered a command into the application. It has three main features which are:

Todo feature allows for normal activities that do not requires date. On the other hand, it is compulsory for deadlines to enter a specific date in order for it to work. Events is where your notes requires a venue to be entered.

How to use

User Interface

Refer to the image above. There is two ways that you can enter the inputs into the application, which is one on the left and the another on the right.

Todo, Deadline, Event - Inputs command

Example of usage:

*todo (arguments) : todo helloworld

Expected outcome : 

Got it. I’ve added this task:

[T][x] helloworld

Now you have N tasks in the list

*deadline (arguments) /by (YYYY-MM-DD) : deadline hello world /by 2019-06-01

Expected outcome : 

Got it. I’ve added this task:

[D][x] hello world (by: Jun 01 2019)

Now you have N tasks in the list

*events (arguments) /at (arguments) : event gjfasjfa /at hello

Expected outcome : 

Got it. I’ve added this task:

[E][x] gjfasjfa (at: hello)

Now you have N tasks in the list

Delete, Done - Updates command

Example of usage:

*delete (argument 1) (argument 2) ... (argument n) : delete 1 2 3 … n

Expected outcome : 

Noted. I’ve removed this task:

[E][x] gjfasjfa (at: hello)

Now you have N tasks in the list

Noted. I’ve removed this task:

[Di][x] hello world (by: Jun 01 2019)

Now you have N tasks in the list

*delete all

Expected outcome : 

Removed all items in list

*done (argument 1) (argument 2) ... (argument n) : done 1 2 3 … n

Expected outcome : 

Nice! I’ve finish this task:

[T][o] gjfasjfa (at: hello)

*done all

Expected outcome : 

Finished all items in list